Steganography Press Information
This page is meant to assist the press in finding information
about the ongoing search for steganographic content.
The following paragraphs answer frequently asked questions.
What is this all about?
Steganography is the art and science of hidden communication.
In February 20001, the USA Today reported
that terrorist have been using steganography to hide
communication in images on the Internet.
Motivated by the article, Niels Provos
developed a steganography detection framework, which he used
to analyze two million images from the Internet auction site
eBay. It consist of three tools:
crawl -
a web crawler that downloads images from the web.
Stegdetect/Stebreak - tools that identify images that might contain hidden messages, and then guess the secret key required to retrieve a hidden message if it exists.
disconcert - a distributed computing framework that
assists stegbreak by running it on a cluster of workstations.
Not a single hidden message was found.
Niels Provos is a doctoral candidate at the University of
Michigan, working with his advisor Peter Honeyman at the
Center for Information Technology Integration.
The details of the research are outlined in
"Detecting Steganographic Content on the Internet" by Niels Provos and Peter Honeyman, NDSS '02.
Why eBay?
In February 2001, the article Secret
Messages Come in .Wavs in Wired News mentioned eBay and
Amazon as places that carry steganographic content.
eBay has a very organized web structure that facilitates downloading
images pointed to by auctions.
What are the results?
Not a single hidden message was found in images that were
obtained from eBay auctions.
The recent ABC news coverage about steganography provided the
first real steganographic image; see ABC
Steganography Trophy.
What about images from USENET?
To increase the scope of the study, Niels Provos and Peter Honeyman analyzed
one million images from USENET archives for hidden messages.
The processing rate of the USENET archive was about
370,000 images per day. We analyzed about one million
- The peak performance of the disconcert cluster is 870,000 keys per second. The cluster consists of about two-hundred workstations running
OpenBSD, Solaris, Linux and FreeBSD.
A dictionary attack against the suspicious images revealed no
hidden mesages. Our dictionary contains about 1.8 million
words and phrases.
Detailed results from the USENET search are available.
How does dictionary attack work on steganographic systems?
Steganographic systems embed header information in front of
the hidden message. The header contains
information about the length of the message, compression
methods, etc...
Dictionary attack with stegbreak chooses a key from a dictionary
and uses it to retrieve header information. If the header
makes sense, the guessed key is a candidate.
Our dictionary contains about 1,800,000 words and phrases.
The words are from English, German, French, Science Fiction
novels, the Koran, famous movies, songs, etc...
Dictionary attack on JPHide and JSteg-Shell is completely
independent of the hidden data. For OutGuess, file magic
is used to cut down on false positives.
For further questions, please contact Niels Provos <>.
Niels Provos
Last modified: Fri Jan 4 07:12:09 EST 2002