Policy: /usr/local/bin/konq-e, Emulation: native native-shutdown: permit native-exit: permit native-readlink: permit native-issetugid: permit native-mmap: permit native-break: permit native-sigaction: permit native-stat: permit native-getpid: permit native-lstat: permit native-open: filename match "/usr/*" and oflags sub "ro" then permit native-open: filename eq "/usr" and oflags sub "ro" then permit native-open: filename eq "/" and oflags sub "ro" then permit native-open: filename match "/var/run/*" and oflags sub "ro" then permit native-open: filename eq "/etc/resolv.conf" and oflags sub "ro" then permit native-open: filename eq "/etc/hosts" and oflags sub "ro" then permit native-open: filename match "$HOME/.kde/*" then permit native-open: filename eq "/dev/arandom" then permit native-open: filename eq "/etc/services" and oflags sub "ro" then permit native-open: filename eq "" then deny[enoent] native-open: filename eq "/etc" then deny native-open: filename match "/tmp/kio_http*" then permit native-fstat: permit native-fcntl: permit native-__sysctl: permit native-fstatfs: permit native-getdirentries: permit native-lseek: permit native-close: permit native-getppid: permit native-gettimeofday: permit native-geteuid: permit native-getuid: permit native-getgid: permit native-getegid: permit native-sigprocmask: permit native-read: permit native-access: permit native-execve: true then permit[inherit] native-mprotect: permit native-munmap: permit native-socket: permit native-setsockopt: permit native-connect: permit native-getsockname: permit native-getpeername: permit native-writev: permit native-poll: permit native-write: permit native-pipe: permit native-chdir: permit native-fchdir: permit native-socketpair: permit native-fork: permit native-recvmsg: permit native-readv: permit native-ioctl: permit native-select: permit native-sendmsg: permit native-sendto: permit native-recvfrom: permit native-getsockopt: permit native-umask: permit native-unlink: filename match "$HOME/.kde/*" then permit native-unlink: filename match "/tmp/kio_http*" then permit native-kill: permit native-chmod: filename match "$HOME/.kde/*" then permit native-rename: filename[0] match "$HOME/.kde/*" and filename[1] match "$HOME/.kde/*" then permit native-mkdir: filename match "$HOME/.kde/*" then permit native-chown: permit native-open: filename eq "/etc/passwd" then deny[eperm]