Due to a new Michigan law (Super DMCA), the legality of my research or these web pages is currently unclear. Felten provides additional information about the resulting restrictions on technology and research. Potentially offending web content has been moved to the Netherlands. Please, support the EFF. |
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) outlaws academic research. |
at.tri.tion \*-'trish-*n\ \-'trish-n*l, -'trish-*n-*l\ n [L attrition-, attritio, fr. attritus, pp. of atterere] [ME attricioun, fr. (assumed) ML attrition-, attritio, fr. L]to rub against, fr. ad- + terere to rub - more at THROW 1: sorrow for one's sins that arises from a motive other than that of the love of God 2: the act of rubbing together : FRICTION; also : the act of wearing or grinding down by friction 3: the act of weakening or exhausting by constant harassment or abuse - at.tri.tion.al aj |
Privilege Separation and Systrace are part of my effort to improve Cyber Security.
For those of us who are favored with an understanding of the German language, two rather old writings of mine:
To keep my creative chaos in reign I also maintain some notes, on things I have done, want to follow up on, or think are interesting in general. Recently, I also started Age of Ignorance to document some of the developments that lead to stifled innovation and the restriction of knowledge.